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Outcome 2.3 & 3.1

These teaching strategies are a combination of strategies used:

- Throughout my Equip journey

- I have used in the classroom in Christian Studies since beginning Equip

- Are suggested to use in the annotated Unit of Work

- Strategies I plan to use based on my reflection on my school context

These teaching strategies are ways to create effective learning, learning environment and the learners based on some of the challenges and opportunities to shape inquiry approach in my school context. They portray the journey I have been on through Equip, within my school in a Christian Studies classroom and through learning through Inquiry. These strategies encourage inquiry, engage the students and deepen their thinking. 

Understanding through Images

This allows students to portray their understandings and beliefs through images.

Student Sample: I used this when exploring the Triune God and students found images that represented God the Father for them. Initiated discussion and for students to see that everyone has different views, images and ways to represent ideas. Beloware 3 images one of my students used to portray God as Father. 

Images ts.png


Students write or draw what they have learnt, scrunch it up and throw it to another student to read and reflect on. They continue doing this and then discuss a few that stood out to them. Engaging for students and collaborative way to reflect.

Student Sample: I used this for students to share their images of God the Father- they could either write, draw or use an image to represent.


Wonder Wall

Wonder Wall can be used in different ways. It can be used to record questions students have throughout a topic of unit and students can also add new understandings that answer some of the questions on the wall.  

Student Sample: I used this for a Christian Studies unit about God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Throughout the whole unit students added questions to the wall and it prompted them to dig deeper and guide their inquiry. The questions used higher thinking skills and more complex language as the unit went on. 

Student questions on the Wonder Wall:

  • Is there another form of God?  

  • How big is God? 

  • How can God be fully father, fully Son and fully Holy Spirit? 

  • How was the Trinity at the beginning of the world when Jesus wasn't born yet? 

  • Why does God have 3 parts/roles? 

  • How is God inside you? 

  • What are the roles of each of the 3 parts of God? 

  • Is God just the Father, or is he the Holy Spirit and Jesus too? 

  • If God is Jesus, then who made the world before Jesus was alive? 

  • If God is the Father and the Son, then how is it possible that God wanted to destroy the earth and save it at the same time? 

  • Is there another form of God? 

  • How big is God? 

  • How can God be fully father, fully Son and fully Holy Spirit? 

  • How was the Trinity at the beginning of the world when Jesus wasn't born yet? 

Understanding through Words

Allowing students to express their understandings and discover in different ways is vital for an inclusive classroom. Wordle is an effective tool for students to use when expressing their understanding through words. 

Student Sample: I have used this to gauge level of understanding, student beliefs and understandings and for students to deepen their thinking in many units in Christians Studies. This sample is from the annotated unit around rituals students have in their lives. 


Colour Coding to Interpret

Highlighting parts of a text can create visual understanding for students and helps interpret different parts of a text that are very important. 

Student Sample: This has been used in many Christian Studies units last year and this year. One was finding parts of bible verses that were about God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. 

Another example was when interpreting The Lord's Prayer- students highlighted the different parts of the prayer and key words and what they meant. 

Lords Prayer.png

Three Worlds of Text

This strategy looks past the written bible passage and explores the 'World behind the text', 'World of the text' and 'World in front of the text'. It encourages deeper thinking and understanding of text by looking at the whole picture and pulling apart the context and words chosen and how that portrays meaning. 

Sample: This strategy will be used when I teach my annotated unit. Click HERE to be taken to the page. 


N- What do I need to know?

S- What statements does the overview bring to mind? 

E- What are you excited about?

W- What are you worried or concerned about?

AYOA- Mindmapping

In-depth way of mind-mapping that shows thinking journey and visually represents understandings and deeper thinking.

Y Chart

Y cahart.png

Sounds Like, Looks Like and Feels Like

Venn Diagram

Used to compare and contrast different environments, beliefs and ways of thinking. 

Reflection- Picture - Symbol - Colour

Using a Picture – Symbol – Colour to represent learning. I wrote a reflection at the end of the Equip sessions and it made me think deeper about how to portray my new understandings in different ways. 

Flat Chat

A different picture/word/phrase/bible verse is printed in the middle of each page and placed around the room. Students walk around and write what the image, verse, word represents to them and how it might portray a certain theme or belief for them. It encourages collaboration and allows students to share understandings and thoughts. 


This strategy is used to encourage fluent thinking skills. If you give students a topic, they might need to come up with as many questions for that topic as they can. As a group, students call our there questions and for each one you put a tally and say 'Yes...And' to encourage further questioning. It might be in response to an image, or words to describe something. It encourages students to think deeper the more suggestions there are ad that any question or idea is valued. 

Common Interest

This can be used in many different ways; to build relationships and to share ideas. Students have to walk around the class and find 10 people who have a common interest (or something else set) with other students. Each of the 10 common items must be different and from different students. 

Sample: In Equip we used it as a 'Get to Know You' activity to build relationships. 

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